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Recruiter Counts

Recruiter Submitter has 1000+ recruiters that provide recruitment services for tons of diverse geographic locations and specialized industries/disciplines.

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The details show the industry/discipline-wise count of recruiters that have signed up with Recruiter Submitter to receive resumes.

Industry/Discipline No. of Recruiters
Recruiters ALL Industries 46407
100K 1844
Accounting 548
Actuarial 17
Administration 146
Advertising 440
Architecture 62
Automotive 62
Banking 806
Blue Collar 52
Bookkeeping 558
Broadcasting 63
Business Analysis 63
Business Development 100
Call Center 100
Care Giving 112
Chemical / Chemistry 57
Civil Engineering 30
Civil Service 40
Clerical 807
Communications 63
Construction 30
Consulting 142
Contract Management 20
Copywriters 440
Credit & Collections 48
Customer Service 98
Cutting Tools 547
Data Modeler 155
Database Administrators 71
Dental 57
Design 173
Distribution 96
Diversity 87
Education 42
Energy 237
Engineer / Engineering 638
Environmental 35
Estimator 113
Executive / C-Level 1845
Financial Services 807
Food Services 39
Foundry 453
Fundraising 40
Geologist 11
GIS / GPS 11
Graphics 173
Health and Safety 35
Healthcare 343
Help Desk 98
Hospital 343
Hospitality 37
Hotel / Motel 37
Human Resources 1741
Import / Export 96
Industrial 552
Information Technology 564
Insurance 113
Inventory Management 297
Investment Banking 807
Investment Management 807
Investor Relations 63
Legal 261
Logistics 96
Management 2155
Industry/Discipline No. of Recruiters
Manufacturing 1624
Marketing 1142
Materials Management 297
Mechanical 733
Media 463
Medical 244
Mortgage 807
Multimedia 173
Nonprofit 63
Nursing 112
Nutrition 39
Occupational Therapy 57
Oil and Gas 237
Operations 1099
Organizational Development 1741
Packaging 62
Personal Care 112
Pharmaceutical 57
Physical Therapy 57
Physician 106
Planning 191
Plastics 724
Plumbing 52
Power / Electricity 20
Procurement 297
Product Development 458
Production Control 458
Project Management 2155
Public Interest 40
Public Relations 63
Public Safety 35
Purchasing 297
Quality Assurance 207
Recruiting 44
Research 213
Restaurant 35
Retirement 14
RF / Microwave 20
Risk Management 113
Robotics 62
Sales 1167
Sales Engineer 1482
Science 213
Securities & Commodities 807
Security 25
Semiconductor 568
Services 98
Shipping / Receiving 96
Social Worker 40
Software 568
Software Technical Writing 568
Software Testing 568
Staffing 68
Stock Broker 807
Supply Chain Management 96
Surveyors 30
Taxation 78
Technical 568
Telemarketing 100
Training 1747
Transportation 96
Travel 37
Trucking 96
Underwriting 807
Urban Planning 71
Volunteer 40
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Within three weeks of contacting Recruiter Submitter, my resume has reached over 600 recruiters. And now, two months down the line, I have a top paying healthcare job matching my caliber. Many thanks and best wishes!
- Jennifer K.